Sunday 4 October 2009

What is continuity editing?

180 Degree Rule

The 180 degree rule, is just a guidline for the person working the camera. It's so that the shot appears the same and flows well. If a scene was being shot over one characters right sholder then it should then be shot on the other characters left sholder so it doesnt make the scene become dicombobulated.

Match on Action

Match on Action is to connect two different shots. For example, a close up of a hand opening a door, and then a long shot of the person walking into the room from inside the room. It's difficult to achieve, but with the right timing, it can really make an inpact.

Shot/Reverse Shot

When two characters are having a converstation, Shot/Reverse Shot works well as it focus' on just the character who is talking. Flicking back and forth as the conversation continues.

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